Τετάρτη 22 Απριλίου 2015

Social media & communication

All about Social Media & Communication (College Project)

Spec από το Εθνικό Κτηματολόγιο

Ύψους 345.003 ευρώ

Το Εθνικό Κτηματολόγιο & Χαρτογράφηση ΑΕ έχει προκηρύξει διαγωνισμό για την ανάθεση ενεργειών προβολής και ενημέρωσης, που αφορούν στο έργο της ανάπτυξης νέων διαδικτυακών υπηρεσιών για τη βελτίωση της λειτουργίας του Κτηματολογίου και την προσαρμογή των πληροφοριακών συστημάτων διάθεσης χωρικών στοιχείων της ΕΚΧΑ Α.Ε. στις επιταγές της οδηγίας Inspire.
Ο προϋπολογισμός του έργου είναι 345.003 ευρώ πλέον ΦΠΑ και η προθεσμία υποβολής προσφορών λήγει στις 2 Ιουνίου. Ο διαγωνισμός θα πραγματοποιηθεί με χρήση της πλατφόρμας του ΕΣΗΔΗΣ, μέσω της διαδικτυακής πύλης www.promitheus.gov.gr.

Πηγή: Marketing Week

The Dark Side of Social Media

By Gini Dietrich

I love social media. It has changed the way I do business and I’ve made lifelong friends I never would have even met.

It truly has flattened out the world.
But it also has a dark side not many expect.
Sure, we kind of expect to hear about people being stalked because of social media. I once was at the movies, checked in on Foursquare (when it was still Foursquare), and when the movie was over, a man was standing outside waiting for me.


Or, remember Please Rob Me? It was a website that added, “I’m not at home. Please rob me.” to your Foursquare check-ins that were published on Twitter.
Of course, now the website is about “raising awareness about over-sharing,” but that’s only because the government shut them down.
Again, something that doesn’t make you super excited to use social media.
And there is a perception issue.

Social Media is Magic

One of my favorite things to have happen is to be doing a workshop or speaking on stage and have someone in the audience exclaim, “How did you just tweet?!”
I always grin and say, “Magic!”
Of course, I automate everything. Each morning, I hand-select 12 stories to tweet, four for LinkedIn, four for Facebook, and six for Google+. Those all go into Hootsuiteand I let them run their course.
The only thing I don’t automate are my responses, the conversation, the engagement.
But if you “see” me on a social network, particularly in the middle of the day, it’s highly probable that my work early that morning is finally showing up.
I had lunch with a friend last week who said, “Man. How are you so prolific onLinkedIn?”
That makes me laugh because LinkedIn is my nemesis. I know I should be more active there, but I just don’t make the time. It’s not as…fun.
Still…people have the perception that I am there multiple times a day.

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Πηγή: Spin Sucks

Τα social media στην Ευρώπη

Σιγά σιγά (πολύ σιγά, για να λέμε την αλήθεια...) προσαρμόζονται και οι ευρωπαϊκές επιχειρήσεις στο νέο περιβάλλον των social media. Ακόμη και οι επιχειρήσεις της Ελλαδάρας, που οφείλουμε να ομολογήσουμε ότι απέχουν κάπως από τον πάτο στο σχετικό πίνακα που έδωσε στη δημοσιότητα η Eurostat. Και σε μερικές περιπτώσεις (βλέπε, χρήση twitter) χτυπάμε κορυφαίες θέσεις!

Σύμφωνα με τα στοιχεία της Eurostat λοιπόν, σχεδόν τρεις στις τέσσερις επιχειρήσεις της Ευρωπαϊκής Ενωσης διέθεταν δική τους ιστοσελίδα το 2013 - μια αύξηση περίπου 6% σε σχέση με το προηγούμενο έτος. Επίσης, πάνω-κάτω μία στις τρεις επιχειρήσεις είχαν παρουσία σε τουλάχιστον ένα social media, παρότι μόλις το 8% του συνόλου είχε θέσει σε εφαρμογή συγκεκριμένους κανόνες και υποχρεώσεις για τη χρήση των κοινωνικών δικτύων.
Αν το δει κανείς αναλυτικά το ζήτημα, το 28% των επιχειρήσεων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ενωσης χρησιμοποιούσε το 2013 κοινωνικά δίκτυα όπως το Facebook, το 11% χρησιμοποιούσε πλατφόρμες multimedia όπως το Youtube, το 10% χρησιμοποιούσε μπλογκ ή μίνι μπλογκ όπως το Twitter και το 6% χρησιμοποιούσε γνωστικά εργαλεία βασισμένα στην Wikipedia.
Πηγή: Ελευθεροτυπία

Media Relations: Increase Your Search Engine Optimization

By Gini Dietrich

I am back! I promised to do a second piece on last week’s webinar, “How to Use Media Relations to Drive Search Engine Optimization” and this is it!

SEO is the second prong in our media relations approach (the first we covered on Tuesday with brand awareness and the second we’ll cover on June 11 with the lead generation webinar) and it cannot be achieved without the other two prongs.

You’ll want to be sure to re-watch (or watch for the first time) the webinar with both of these blog posts as your cheat sheets. They will help you do the work and create a process for success.

So let’s talk SEO.

Search Engine Optimization

You are not going to become, overnight, an SEO expert. Rather, you are taking your media relations expertise and using it for the front-end work of optimization.
When you do this, you are going to create the very valuable link back to your website or blog that Google places priority on…and you’re going to do it using sites that have more authority and credibility than your own.
Having done this, you will have built credibility and authority for your organization, both internally (on the website) and externally (with targeted audiences).
This will also have the benefit of increased search results and increased domain authority.
Not only will the SEO team want to kiss you, the executives will, too.
The very best way to increase your domain authority and gain the very valuable link back to your site is to do traditional media relations. 
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Πηγή: Spin Sucks

Foursquare offers brands location data through PinPoint

Late last year, Foursquare and its companion app Swarm relaunched with the intention of taking on Yelp.
It hasn’t been going so well. Downloads are nowhere near what they were in 2011 when Foursquare was the No. 2 social networking app and the No. 44 app overall. If people aren’t checking in anymore, where does Foursquare go from here?

Late last year, Foursquare and its companion app Swarm relaunched with the intention of taking on Yelp.
It hasn’t been going so well. Downloads are nowhere near what they were in 2011 when Foursquare was the No. 2 social networking app and the No. 44 app overall. If people aren’t checking in anymore, where does Foursquare go from here?
It would appear the answer to that is the exciting world of location ad targeting. The company is now launching the ad-targeting tool Pinpoint, which uses location data and location history to serve up ads to the right people at the right time.
If that sounds familiar, it’s because there are a ton of companies that are doing just that.
But Pinpoint differentiates itself with “six years of first-party location intelligence, creating a map of the world the way your mobile device sees it,” according to Pinpoint’s promotional material. “Our snap-to-place technology filters out inaccurate location data, so advertisers get only the precise places that their audience goes to in the real world.”
Despite the dip in usage, TechCrunch recently reported that Yahoo has been sniffing around and could acquire both Foursquare and its location-based check-in app Swarm for around $900 million.
Perhaps Pinpoint is the puzzle piece that puts Yahoo over the edge. Foursquare has definitely gleaned some insights in its existence that no other app could have.
Πηγή: PR Daily